
a library that enables React Native apps to execute commands over SSH -

Primary LanguageJava

react-native-ssh npm version

A library that allows a React Native app to run commands over SSH.


This library provides a single method: SSH.execute. Given SSH credentials and a command, a promise is returned. This promise resolves to the command's output as an array of strings.

import SSH from 'react-native-ssh';

config = {user: 'bob', host: 'example.com', password: 'p4$$w0rd'};
command = 'ls ~';

SSH.execute(config, command).then(
  result => console.log(result),
  error =>  console.log('Error:', error)

// A successful run would output:
// ['file1.txt', 'server.py', 'script.sh']



  • npm install react-native-ssh --save
  • react-native link react-native-ssh


  • npm install react-native-ssh --save
  • react-native link react-native-ssh
  • Add pod 'NMSSH', '~> 2.2.5' to your Podfile and install. If you don't have a Podfile:
    • cd ios
    • pod init
    • Edit the newly created Podfile to look like this example
    • pod install