
This app was made for a course from university. As a programing language I use C. The app runs in console, and I tried to make it the nicest.


This app was made for a store management. You have 2 type of users: Admin and Customer, and you can navigate through arrows.



To connect as an admin, you need to match the correct password.

Admin menu

After you match the password, you get the Admin menu, where you can: see your stock and add new product.


On the stock page, you can see the stock, and if u select one product, you can: add or remove stock, change the price or remove item from stock.

Add new stock

On the stock page, you can add new stock to the list


Customer menu

As a customer you can see the shop and add to your shopping basket.


In the shop you can see the items in stock, and you can add it to basket.


On the basket menu, you have 2 options: see the basket, or complete the order. When you see your basket, you can remove product from there. When you are satisfied with the chosen products, go to the order confirmation option, where you will see the price, and you will be able to send the order.



During the use of the application, many actions are possible on the part of the user, therefore we have implemented many protection measures, and in case the user adds something that the program cannot process, an error message will appear, and the user will be asked to try again date. Messages such as the following may appear during the use of the application


All the orders, are stored in a file.