$ composer require moitran/package-presto-query-builder
Some examples:
$query = new MoiTran\PrestoQueryBuilder\Query(); $queryStr = $query->select('*') ->from('table1') ->whereAnd('col1', 'IS', NULL) ->whereAnd('col2', '=', 'value2') ->whereOr('col3', 'LIKE', '%test%') ->orderBy('col1', 'DESC') ->orderBy('col2', 'ASC') ->limit(10) ->getQueryStr();
SELECT * FROM (table1) WHERE col1 IS NULL AND col2 = 'value2' OR col3 LIKE '%test%' ORDER BY col1 DESC, col2 ASC LIMIT 10
$whereAndGroup = new MoiTran\PrestoQueryBuilder\WhereGroup(); $whereAndGroup->whereAnd('col4', '!=', 'value4'); $whereAndGroup->whereOr('col5', 'NOT LIKE', 'value5%'); $whereOrGroup = new MoiTran\PrestoQueryBuilder\WhereGroup(); $whereOrGroup->whereAnd('col6', '=', 'value6'); $whereOrGroup->whereOr('col7', 'IN', ['value7', 'value8']); $query = new MoiTran\PrestoQueryBuilder\Query(); $queryStr = $query->select([ 'col1', 'col2' => 'colalias2', 'col3' => 'colalias3' ]) ->from('table1') ->whereAnd('col1', 'IS', NULL) ->whereAnd('col2', '=', 'value2') ->whereOr('col3', 'LIKE', '%test%') ->whereAndGroup($whereAndGroup) ->whereOrGroup($whereOrGroup) ->groupBy(['col1', 'col2', 'col3']) ->orderBy('col1', 'DESC') ->orderBy('col2', 'ASC') ->limit(10) ->getQueryStr();
SELECT col1, col2 AS colalias2, col3 AS colalias3 FROM (table1) WHERE col1 IS NULL AND col2 = 'value2' OR col3 LIKE '%test%' AND (col4 != 'value4' OR col5 NOT LIKE 'value5%') OR (col6 = 'value6' OR col7 IN ('value7', 'value8')) GROUP BY col1, col2, col3 ORDER BY col1 DESC, col2 ASC LIMIT 10
$query = new MoiTran\PrestoQueryBuilder\Query(); $queryStr = $query->select([ 'a.col1' => 'acol1', 'a.col2' => 'acol2', 'b.col1' => 'bcol1', 'b.col2' => 'bcol2', ]) ->from('table1', 'a') ->leftJoin('table2', 'b') ->on('a.id', '=', 'b.a_id') ->whereAnd('a.col1', '=', 'value1') ->limit(10) ->getQueryStr();
SELECT a.col1 AS acol1, a.col2 AS acol2, b.col1 AS bcol1, b.col2 AS bcol2 FROM (table1) AS a LEFT JOIN (table2) AS b ON a.id = b.a_id WHERE a.col1 = 'value1' LIMIT 10
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html=cov/ tests/