
Primary LanguageJavaScript

by Popat0 and DrMeteor

This is a BetterDiscord plugin that is required for Aurora to communicate with BetterDiscord and EnhancedDiscord. It is discouraged to try and run it directly. Please refer to the step by step guide below instead.

How to Install

  1. Make sure BetterDiscord is running on your Discord client.
  2. Click the "User Settings" cog near the bottom left of the window, navigate to the "BetterDiscord" or "Bandaged BD" section and click the Plugins tab.
  3. Click the "Open Plugin Folder" near the top center of the window. This opens a File Explorer tab in BetterDiscord's plugin folder.
  4. Drag and drop the AuroraGSI.plugin.js file into the BetterDiscord plugin folder. It should immediately appear in the plugins list if you have "Automatic Loading" turned on in the Settings tab.
  5. Enable the plugin by toggling the switch on the top right of the plugin.
  6. Aurora should now be able to communicate with BetterDiscord.