
Parses arbitrary formatted INI string to JSON

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Simple INI Parser

Parser an INI formatted string to JSON. Allow arbitrary texts in groups and keys. Allow leading spaces. Parses integer and float numbers, booleans, and null.


;; Global fields
    global = foo
    let another_Global-var = 3.14
    ; Arbitrary text in group
[may group]
    gr-42 = 42
    boolean = true
    falsy = False
    nil = null
    ; Empty string value
; Negative float number
  negative = -2.2
    my long variable = this is a long text


const {parse} = require('@popovmp/ini-parser')
const output = parse(input)


  "global": "foo",
  "letAnotherGlobalVar": 3.14,
  "mayGroup": {
    "gr42": 42,
    "boolean": true,
    "falsy": false,
    "nil": null,
    "pascalCase": "",
    "negative": -2.2
  "otherGroup": {
    "myLongVariable": "this is a long text"