
A Business and Professional Enablement Blockchain built with Substrate.

Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


License Docker
Unit Tests Cargo Check Release Check Docker Compose and Docker Build Escrow Unit Test Payments Unit Test

A Business and Professional Enablement Parachain built with Substrate.

Running a Ventur Node (Ubuntu)

Setup - Environment Setup

Install Dependencies

sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt install -y git clang curl libssl-dev llvm libudev-dev make protobuf-compiler

Install Rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y

source ~/.cargo/env

rustup default stable

rustup update stable

rustup update nightly

rustup install nightly-2022-09-19 

rustup override set nightly-2022-09-19

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly

Build a Ventur Node

Fetch the code

The following command pulls the ventur-node code from our GitHub repo.

git clone https://github.com/Popular-Coding/ventur.git

cd ventur

Build the node

The following command builds the node. (This may take some time)

cargo build --release

Run the node


The cargo run command will perform an initial build and launch the node. If you built the node with the cargo build --release command in the previous build the node step. Use the following code to run the node with the build you have already completed.

This command will start a single node with a persistent state:

./target/release/ventur-node --dev

To purge the development chain's state:

./target/release/ventur-node purge-chain --dev

To Start the development chain with detailed logging.

RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./target/release/ventur-node -ldebug --dev

Running a Ventur Node (Docker)

Running a Ventur Node (Docker Compose)

First, install Docker and Docker Compose.

Clone the repo.

git clone https://github.com/Popular-Coding/ventur.git

cd ventur

Then run the following command to start a single node development chain.


Running a Ventur Node (Dockerfile)

Clone the repo.

git clone <https://github.com/Popular-Coding/ventur.git>

cd ventur

Then run this command to build the docker image.

docker build . -t ventur-node

To run the container with localhost:9944 published so it can interact with the Polkadot-JS front-end. (single node development chain)

docker run -p 9944:9944 ventur-node

Connect with Polkadot-JS Apps Front-end

Once the node is running locally, you can connect it with Polkadot-JS App front-end to interact with the development chain. Click here

Run Tests

Unit tests can be run locally using the cargo test command.

Manual Test Guides

Test Guide

Test Guide

Test Guide

Test Guide

Runtime Architecture



README rustdoc


README rustdoc


README rustdoc


The NT-NFT pallet's approach to interacting with NFT collections and items is inspired by Parity's Uniques Pallet


README rustdoc


Stay up to date with the Ventur Roadmap hosted on GitHub: Ventur Roadmap

Contribute to Ventur

Ventur is an open source project, to learn about our team's development processes and to learn how you can contribute, read our Contributor's Guide.