Level-of-Detail renderer in Minecraft. Allows for render distances of millions of blocks. (Cubic Chunks-compatible) (WIP)
- BroJJ553
- charbonnevCABJ
- CollapseVision
- DaMatrix@PorkStudios
- DartPowerDartPower Team
- DaviMenegazzi
- DoktorAerzt
- DoomRater
- Funtimes909New Zealand
- HairlessMunkey
- IrresoluteArkiaKennesaw, Georgia
- IZeeXeS
- jhcloos
- JustForProblems
- K0-RRPoland
- KDawgDK
- KentosoHeadway
- lebanni
- LMH01Germany, NRW
- LordPhyreBig Brain Incorporated
- Maxamax1
- NateHS231
- newbthenewbdCracow, Poland
- Nikola2222
- NotCyri
- omninopeSomewhere in Brazil
- Orgamorsh@Orgamorsh#0610
- Pronink
- Raylo555
- RepublicOfMarsVirgo Supercluster
- rugter100
- sametaorStudent
- ScorpioGameKing
- StaticPH
- the-irwin
- wiluxgit