
Splits PDF by legal and letter page size

Primary LanguagePython


This python program takes an input PDF and split it into two PDFs by legal and letter size. The GUI is built with tkinter and wraps the underlying command-line tool.

Graphical User Interface

Start it with python gui.py




source ./venv/bin/activate   # Linux/OSX
./venv/Scripts/activate.ps1  # Windows powershell
pip install -r requirements.txt


usage: page_separator.py [-h] [--legal_pdf LEGAL_PDF] [--letter_pdf LETTER_PDF] source_pdf

Splits a PDF into two PDFs by letter and legal page size.

positional arguments:
  source_pdf            Name of the source PDF with mixed page size, E.g. SamplePrint-MultipleSize.pdf

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --legal_pdf LEGAL_PDF
                        Name of the PDF to write to containing legal pages (default: <source_pdf>_legal.pdf)
  --letter_pdf LETTER_PDF
                        Name of the PDF to write to containing letter pages (default: <source_pdf>_letter.pdf)