Pinned issues
- 0
Invalid pieces if add-on is not installed
#1034 opened by Kriss1670 - 5
Cheetah engine has its thrust offset.
#1032 opened by dok377 - 8
- 0
KerbalVR support for external hatches
#1031 opened by JonnyOThan - 2
Hole in 3m Engine Plate Geometry
#1030 opened by Spartwo - 0
- 1
Oscar A tank packed volume 180L s/b 80L
#1025 opened by Krazy0 - 1
Incorrect dragcube of 1.875m decoupler/separator
#1026 opened by Synchris2-0 - 0
Rungs on multiple parts misaligned
#987 opened by DoubleDimensional - 0
PNG file that doesn't need to be there?
#1017 opened by theJesuit - 2
mk2landercan rear hatch is facing sideways
#1008 opened by JonnyOThan - 1
Suggestion for VABOrganizer Compatibility
#1022 opened by Robby9777 - 3
Exception spew from ModuleRestockHeatEffects.LateUpdate in Renderer.SetPropertyBlock
#1009 opened by JonnyOThan - 3
Wheesley and Whiplash engines dont show up.
#1018 opened by inojakal - 1
Wheels give collider error
#1019 opened by Krazy0 - 3
Restock Plus is duplicating parts.
#1016 opened by douglasdtlltd - 1
Vessels begin 'vibrating' back and forth after a few seconds of being in the game.
#1003 opened by MagicN5 - 1
- 5
- 6
Incorrect location of engine mount points on Kerbodyne Engine Cluster Adapter Tank
#997 opened by Alex-1248 - 5
0.625m Probes overheat with the 0.625m Heat Shield
#1004 opened by roninpawn - 1
Question about ingame change
#1005 opened by Fernandoc4d - 2
- 1
1.875m Battery has wrong node size
#1001 opened by help137 - 0
parts and textures aer missing
#1002 opened by GIROLD-INGOF - 1
- 4
Engine plates have a weight issue
#996 opened by Alex-1248 - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Spark gimbal doesn't work properly
#993 opened by Sirchenko40 - 2
Improvement : CLS Compatibility
#991 opened by mwerle - 1
- 3
Integrate the ReStock Plus 1.25m Engine plate into ReStock base due to addition of Making History SQUAD part
#985 opened by Poodmund - 6
LV-T30 Boattail Variant Misalignment
#974 opened by RyanRising - 2
- 1
- 3
Oscar B volume fix
#967 opened by jdmj - 7
Communotron 88 solar array default mesh as extended
#965 opened by Alewx - 1
Suggestion, Paraglider part(s)
#981 opened by NightShift10125 - 0
- 2
- 1
[request] Add part connection node to the 1.25m chute and drogue chute for easier use with escape tower.
#979 opened by truehunterethan - 1
- 1
- 1
Reliant & Swivel engines loosing texture
#969 opened by JoeKangas - 1
Mk2 Docking Port Open/Closed "Backwards"
#968 opened by RyanRising - 1
Missing IVA textures
#971 opened by shahidsp - 1
Loading hangs while loading Restock+
#970 opened by OortCloud42 - 0
KR-1 "Boar" Boattail Z-Fighting
#962 opened by RyanRising