
Common Lisp binding for PortMidi.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

README.md - Common Lisp bindings for PortMidi

  • Roger B. Dannenberg, 17 Jan 2007

Note: this code is not currently maintained or tested. This repo is serving as a placeholder for any future updates. If anyone is interested in maintaining, testing, or extending this Common Lisp code for PortMidi, please contact the admins of this site. - RBD, 2021

This is a Common Lisp interface to PortMidi.

On Mac OSX, you need to build PortMidi as a dynamic link library before you can use PortMidi from Common Lisp.

You can build PortMidi as a dynamic link library by running this:

cd portmidi
make -F pm_mac/Makefile.osx install-with-xcode

This is just a shortcut for:

cd portmidi/pm_mac
sudo xcodebuild -project pm_mac.xcodeproj -configuration Deployment install DSTROOT=/

You can check the file and the architecture for which it is built using:

file /usr/local/lib/libportmidi.dylib

If you've done this install of portmidi, then you should also have /usr/local/include/portmidi.h This will be necessary to successfully build the cffi interface below.

To test PortMidi with Common Lisp, I (RBD) am using SBCL, which I downloaded from http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sbcl. Currently, I use sbcl-0.9.17-x86-darwin-binary.tar.bz2 To install this, I unpacked it by just double-clicking in the finder. Then, from a command window, I became root using "sudo sh", and then typed:

# INSTALL_ROOT=/usr/local
# sh install.sh
# exit

I also downloaded cffi-061012.tar.gz from http://common-lisp.net/project/cffi/tarballs/?M=D

To compile cffi, use the following, where "/Lisp/cffi/" is replaced by the actual directory of cffi, e.g. /Users/rbd/sbcl-0.9.17-x86-darwin/cffi-061012:

% sbcl
* (require 'asdf)
* (push "/Lisp/cffi/" asdf:*central-registry*)
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi)
* (quit)

Download Common Music's portmidi module from cvs and build the c side: (Replace "/Lisp" with your lisp directory, e.g. /Users/rbd/sbcl-0.9.17-x86-darwin. These cvs commands will create a new directory, portmidi.)

% cd /Lisp
% export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@commonmusic.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/commonmusic
% cvs login   # press Return at password prompt
% cvs checkout portmidi
% cd portmidi
% ./configure
% make
% cd ..

Now compile/load the portmidi module just like cffi. Again, change /Lisp/cffi/ and /Lisp/portmidi to correspond to your local file system. (Note that /Lisp becomes your lisp directory, and cffi becomes your cffi folder name, e.g. cffi-061012.

% sbcl
* (require 'asdf)
* (push "/Lisp/cffi/" asdf:*central-registry*)
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :cffi)
* (push "/Lisp/portmidi/" asdf:*central-registry*)
* (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :portmidi)

Look in the file /Lisp/portmidi/test.lisp for a test of the lisp interface to portmidi. For example, while still running sbcl:

* (pm:portmidi)  ; initialize portmidi
* (pt:start) ; start time
* (pt:time) ; get time
* (pprint (pm:GetDeviceInfo)) ; get list of devices
((:ID 0 :NAME "IAC Driver Bus 1" :TYPE :INPUT :OPEN NIL)
 (:ID 1 :NAME "IAC Driver Bus 1" :TYPE :OUTPUT :OPEN NIL))

Notice that test.lisp assumes MIDI input devices are connected and uses some hard-wired device numbers, so it may not run as is without error.

Since test.lisp uses some Common Music calls, I (RBD) wrote a simpler test, test-no-cm.lisp, which is in the same folder as this (README.md) file. To use it, first check that the values for outid (4) and inid (1) actually match PortMidi device id's for output and input devices, and make sure the input device is a keyboard that can generate a middle-C -- otherwise the program will hang waiting for input. Run sbcl from this pm_cl folder, and type:

(load "test-no-cm.lisp")

The program pauses frequently by calling (READ), so you should type t or something, then <RETURN> to continue.

(Thanks to Leigh Smith and Rick Taube)