npm install -g coffee-script
npm install -g grunt-cli
needed to generate documentation
pip install Pygments
git clone xxxxx <name>
cd <name>
npm install
A userconfig.coffe
file must be created in the base directory, because sensible data is stored here, it isn't checked in into the version control system.
module.exports =
http: 1234
https: 1235
livereload: 35729
appName: "Unwatched"
key: "cert/server.key"
cert: "cert/server.crt"
dir: "logs/"
level: "silly"
exception: "exceptions.log"
warning: "warnings.log"
error: "errors.log"
info: "infos.log"
silly: "silly.log"
host: "localhost"
port: 28777
node_name: "unwatched"
grunt --help
groc is used for generating the documentation.
The files are moved to the public
dir, you can access them via http://servername/docs
Edit ~/
example config:
exports.config = {
nodeName: "Unwatched Logfiles",
logStreams: {
exceptions: [ "/var/www/unwatched/logs/exceptions.log" ],
errors: [ "/var/www/unwatched/logs/errors.log" ],
warnings: [ "/var/www/unwatched/logs/warnings.log" ],
infos: [ "/var/www/unwatched/logs/infos.log" ],
silly: [ "/var/www/unwatched/logs/silly.log" ]
server: {
host: '',
port: 28777