My Portfolio

A SvelteKit app. You're free to use this template, although credit is appreciated. If you do use this template, please let me know! I'd love to see what you make with it.

Getting Started

Clone the repo and install the dependencies:

pnpm install

Then, edit code in src/routes and src/lib. You can start the dev server with:

pnpm run dev

For the guestbook, you'll need to set up a Firebase project and edit the src\routes\guestbook\+page.svelte file. You'll need to add your Firebase config to the firebaseConfig variable.

Publish to Vercel or another host of your choice!


Please also consider starring the repo if you like it! It helps me out a lot.

Also, if you plan on using this template, please mention this :)




SOL: HWFvo1CCgeVwae3E7NvWfpH89mmzReRboKMfqzBWawpa

ETH or any EVM chain: 0x9486DD60CE06C694aeb36208FD8b8a33225614Af