Building a Java Project by Gradle

Business Requirement

Get to know what is Gradle and build a java project with Gradle step by step and then use gradle add new java library dependence to your project.

Practice Requirement

  1. Use Gradle command line to build Java project
  2. Use Gradle to compile Javap project
  3. Use Gradle run automatic test
  4. Use Gradle to add ideaplug-in, and generate Intellj Idea project files
  5. Use Gradle to run program to output "This is a Gradle Project" to command line
  6. Add Mockito dependence and simply use Mockito in test method to get test passed
    public void testMockClass() throws Exception {
        // you can mock concrete classes, not only interfaces
        LinkedList mockedList = mock(LinkedList.class);

        // stubbing appears before the actual execution
        String value = "first";

        assertEquals(mockedList.get(0), value);


Practice Output

  • Please push the gradle project to your Github
  • Commit your repostory link to complete this Question..