
Lightweight library with CLI that simplifies backup to Google Drive

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

$ posidrive

This Python library aims to make easier use Google Drive to backup/restore your data.


pip install posidrive

Install latest development version:

pip install git+https://github.com/Positeral/posidrive


Let's write a simple gd.py script:

from posidrive.gdrive import GoogleDrive

gdrive = GoogleDrive(folder='test')

Run it from command line:

python gd.py
Usage: gd.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --debug  Enable debug mode.
  --help   Show this message and exit.

  auth      Authorize Google account and save credentials.
  status    Show common information.
  list      Show files in current remote folder.
  upload    Upload file to current remote folder.
  download  Download file by ID.
  delete    Delete file by ID.
  clear     Delete all files in folder.
python gd.py status
Service:               Google Drive
Current remote folder: test
Credentials file:      /home/arthur/projects/posidrive/.pgdcredentials
Authorization:         Not authorized (credentials absent)

Let's authorize the application now:

python gd.py auth
Please visit this URL to authorize this application: https://[...]
Enter the authorization code: 

Follow the link, authorize the application and paste the resulting code. By default, posidrive request you the minimal permissions. Сheck the status:

python gd.py status
Service:               Google Drive
Current remote folder: test
Credentials file:      /home/arthur/projects/posidrive/.pgdcredentials
Authorization:         Authorized
Account:               af3.inet@gmail.com
Usage:                 11.2G
Limit:                 15G

Good! Now you can use list, upload, download, delete or clear. Don't forget that every command have --help option.

Custom scripts

The following script make a compressed archive and upload it to Google Drive. Then, it will delete all remote files except the last three:

import os
import click
import tarfile

from posidrive.gdrive import GoogleDrive

class MyGoogleDrive(GoogleDrive):
    @click.argument('path', required=True)
    def cmd_archive(self, path):
        '''Archive directory/file'''

        tarname = os.path.basename(path)+'.tar.lzma'
        tarpath = tarname

        tar = tarfile.open(tarpath, 'w:xz')

        self.cmd_upload(tarpath, tarname)
        self.cmd_clear(keep_last=3, yes=True)

gdrive = MyGoogleDrive(folder='test')