- 0
Hensel lifting sometimes throws NPE
#77 opened by abbyberkers - 1
Bug in factorization of polynomial over Z
#76 opened by Rivo75 - 3
- 5
rings.repl fails to start: Error downloading cc.redberry:rings.scaladsl_2.13:2.5.7
#67 opened by tueda - 0
- 2
- 7
Extreme slowdown in polynomial factorization
#71 opened by tueda - 2
Freeze in polynomial factorization
#70 opened by tueda - 2
PolynomialMethods.Factor() not working?
#68 opened by archiecobbs - 2
Lost signs in factorization of monomials
#66 opened by tueda - 3
- 1
Are cyclotomic polynomials supported
#64 opened by axkr - 6
PolynomialExtendedGCD unit tests
#63 opened by axkr - 10
Example how to factor (4*y^2-5*x*y+x^2) ?
#62 opened by axkr - 4
Failing to serialize Rational
#61 opened by tueda - 3
Cached modular inverses
#57 opened by michiexile - 0
Parser bug
#60 opened by PoslavskySV - 3
Continuous Integration breaks on GhostScript
#58 opened by michiexile - 1
CircleCI failed
#44 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
- 0
Fix bounds in modular resultant
#55 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
- 2
Avoid sun.misc
#53 opened by tordr - 0
CircleCI failed
#51 opened by PoslavskySV - 4
Polynomial base check
#48 opened by junwei-wang - 0
Rational#pow bug
#46 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
Bug with univariate factor
#47 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
- 0
Try nested rings in PolynomialExtendedGCD
#50 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
Wrong implementation of Rational#signum
#45 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
Check compatibility with Java9
#27 opened by PoslavskySV - 2
Use hipparchus to reduce size of dependent code?
#34 opened by axkr - 1
- 1
LinearSolver: switch to Gauss-Bareiss elimination for certain problems over integral domains
#29 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
Serialization/deserialization of MonomialOrder doesn't give the same reference
#37 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
Bug in parser
#23 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
- 0
Groebner bases: F4 performance issues
#32 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
- 0
- 3
Bash syntax error in rings.repl
#26 opened by tueda - 0
Use the analog of UnivariatePolynomialZp64#multiplyClassicalSafeTrick for polynomials over other finite fields
#16 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
ZippelGCD rarely fails on some dense input.
#20 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
Make multivariate multiplication faster
#17 opened by PoslavskySV - 6
Proposal to add: polynomial modulus and modPow
#14 opened by St333p - 1
Avoid compiler error in Eclipse
#15 opened by axkr - 1
Missing modulus in ChineseRemainder?
#11 opened by axkr - 0
LinZip interpolation constantly fails with some input in small characteristic
#7 opened by PoslavskySV - 0
Try parallel linear p-adic Hensel lifting for univariate factorisation over Z
#5 opened by PoslavskySV - 1
Implement sparse Hensel lifting
#6 opened by PoslavskySV