
Documentation for Dear ImGui

Primary LanguageCSS

Dear ImGui Documentation Site

This is an attempt at creating higher level documentation for the wonderful Dear ImGui library. Demo here.

I've also started working on a getting started guide, however it is still very much a WIP.

The documentation is all written in markdown. I am using a tool called docsify which is a lightweight documentation generator, and runs entirely on the client side. (There is no 'build docs' step)

It can be hosted with any static hosting tool pointing to the root directory. For example, there is a live demo hosted with github pages.

Locally one can use any http(s) static server tools for development. See a list oneliners using common tools here

For example, if you have python 3 installed:

git clone https://github.com/PossiblyAShrub/imgui-docs
cd imgui-docs
python -m http.server 3000

And then visit http://localhost:3000.

Because the docs are just markdown files, it can be viewed in any markdown viewer.

Also! If you visit the documentation (via the site, or a local http server) using any modern web browser (service workers must be enabled) you can view the docs offline! Try visiting the site after disabling you connection/stopping your local server