
Learn In Public: Zsh functions to create and display files stored in a configurable "notes" directory.

Primary LanguageShell

(zsh) Note functions

This is a learning project, only semi-tested on my machine (macOS 13.6, zsh 5.9) so far. For a more reliable and portable way to manage text notes, I recommend trying this notes shell script.

⚠️ I've learned just enough shell scripting to be dangerous.

I've kept a directory of text files in ~/notes for several years. It's a easy way to collect personal cheatsheets that are easily edited and viewed from the command line. Highly recommended.

Last year, as a learning project, I created a simple function, note, to display file stored in ~/notes. I ended up using it even more than I'd expected to.

Inspired by usefulness of my note function, and a general desire to learn more about shell scripting, I've created another function, nnote, to add note entries from the command line. I'm still test-driving nnote and am not sure if it will as useful as the note function. We'll see.

Usage examples:

% nnote -b Dated note file example
% note 20231004_note
▶️  Dated note file example
% nnote -bd -n example Example note entry with bullet and timestamp.
% note example
▶️  [Wed Oct  4 21:32:34 CDT 2023] Example note entry with bullet and timestamp.
% nnote A plain note entry example
% note example
▶️  [Wed Oct  4 21:32:34 CDT 2023] Example note entry with bullet and timestamp.

A plain note entry example
% print piped text | nnote -d -n pipe-example Pipe example
% note pipe-example
[Wed Oct  4 21:34:22 CDT 2023] Pipe example
piped text


note  - display file(s) stored configurable notes directory

  note NOTE                    show NOTE
  note                         list files in notes directory

  -e --edit NOTE               edit note
  -h --help                    show this message
  --version                    show version

Environment parameters:
  NOTE_HOME                    notes directory, default={HOME}/notes

See repo for updates, comments, issues, etc:


nnote  - add entry to default note

  nnote [OPTIONS] [TEXT]       add entry to default note

  -b --bullet                  include bullet
  -d --datetime                include date/time
  -h --help                    show this message
  -n --note NOTE               set default to NOTE
  -s --squeeze                 no empty line before entry
  -v --paste                   add clipboard to entry
  --version                    show version

Environment parameters:
  NOTE_HOME                    notes directory, default={HOME}/notes
  NOTE_NAME                    note to create/append, set with -n option
  NOTE_BULLET                  default='▶️  '

The -n option set the default note for the current shell session:

  nnote -n example Entry Example
  nnote 2nd entry

Piped text is added to a note entry:

  print piped text | nnote Pipe Example

Use -v to add the clipboard to an entry:

  print pasted text | pbcopy && nnote -v Clipboard Example

The -b and -d options add a bullet and stampstamp:

  nnote -bd Bullet Timestamp Example

If the -n option has not be used and NOTE_NAME is not set, a note
named with the current date (yyyymmdd_note) is used.

See repo for updates, comments, issues, etc:


There are various ways to save and load custom zsh functions. The simplest way is to include the functions in your zsh config (.zshrc). See my zdotdir for an example of having them loaded automatically from a specified directory.

Test drive

To test the functions with a temporary directory, from the repo directory:

source note.zsh nnote.zsh
NOTE_HOME=$(mktemp -d)
nnote Test note entry          # add entry to yyyymmdd_note
note                           # list notes

zsh completions (recommended)

Add custom zsh completions by including the following commands to your zsh config (.zshrc).

Configure note completions to show files from the notes directory:

compdef '_path_files -W "${NOTE_HOME:-${HOME}/notes/}" -g "^.*"' note

Configure nnote to display completions for its options:

compdef _gnu_generic pbnote

Understanding zshcompletions is a challenge. I'm still trying to figure out to refine these completions further and have them loaded automatically from a directory.

aliases (recommended)

alias n=note
alias nn=nnote