An easy-to-use, feature-rich geohash library for .NET
Install via NuGet Package Manager:
Install-Package geohash-dotnet
- Encode/Decode: Convert between geographic coordinates and geohash strings.
- Neighbors: Find adjacent geohashes in all cardinal directions.
- Subhashes: Retrieve finer-grained geohashes within a parent geohash.
- Parent Geohash: Get the less precise parent of a given geohash.
- Bounding Box: Obtain the geographic bounding box of a geohash.
- Generate geohashes within a specified polygon based on precision and inclusion criteria.
- Ideal for spatial indexing and geospatial queries within complex areas.
- Compresses a set of geohashes to a minimal set that still covers the same area.
- Optimizes storage and improves performance for spatial queries.
Generate geohashes that cover a specific polygon:
// Create a new Geohasher instance
var geohasher = new Geohasher();
// Encode latitude and longitude into a geohash string
string geohash = geohasher.Encode(37.4219999, -122.0840575, 9);
// Decode the geohash back to latitude and longitude
(double latitude, double longitude) = geohasher.Decode(geohash);
// Get subhashes of a geohash
string[] subhashes = geohasher.GetSubhashes(geohash);
// Get neighbors of a geohash
Dictionary<Direction, string> neighbors = geohasher.GetNeighbors(geohash);
// Get parent of a geohash
string parent = geohasher.GetParent(geohash);
// Get the bounding box of a geohash
BoundingBox bbox = geohasher.GetBoundingBox(geohash);
// Initialize PolygonHasher
var polygonHasher = new PolygonHasher();
// Define a polygon
Polygon polygon = new Polygon(new LinearRing(new Coordinate[] {
new Coordinate(-122.4183, 37.7755),
new Coordinate(-122.4183, 37.7814),
new Coordinate(-122.4085, 37.7814),
new Coordinate(-122.4085, 37.7755),
new Coordinate(-122.4183, 37.7755) // Closing the ring
// Get geohashes of precision 6 that intersect with the polygon
var geohashes = polygonHasher.GetHashes(polygon, 6, PolygonHasher.GeohashInclusionCriteria.Intersects);
// Output the geohashes
foreach (string hash in geohashes)
Compress a list of geohashes into a minimal covering set:
// Initialize GeohashCompressor
var compressor = new GeohashCompressor();
// Define input geohashes
var inputGeohashes = new[] {
"tdnu20", "tdnu21", "tdnu22", "tdnu23", "tdnu24", "tdnu25",
"tdnu26", "tdnu27", "tdnu28", "tdnu29", "tdnu2b", "tdnu2c",
// ... additional geohashes
// Compress the geohashes
var compressedGeohashes = compressor.Compress(inputGeohashes);
// Output the compressed geohashes
foreach (var hash in compressedGeohashes)
Dictionary<Direction, string> neighbors = geohasher.GetNeighbors(geohash);
string northNeighbor = neighbors[Direction.North];
string southNeighbor = neighbors[Direction.South];
// ... and so on for the other directions
find the neighbor hash in a specific direction, use the GetNeighbor() method:
string northNeighbor = geohasher.GetNeighbor(geohash, Direction.North);
Subhashes represent smaller, equally-sized regions within a geohash's bounding box:
string[] subhashes = geohasher.GetSubhashes(geohash);
The parent of a geohash is the geohash that covers the same area but at a lower precision level:
string parent = geohasher.GetParent(geohash);
Keep in mind that the parent geohash will be less precise and cover a larger area.
To obtain the bounding box (minimum and maximum latitude and longitude):
BoundingBox bbox = geohasher.GetBoundingBox(geohash);
PolygonHasher and GeohashCompressor have a time complexity of O(N²) relative to the number of geohashes processed.