
Tor-based proxy for linux

Primary LanguagePython

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  | |/ _ \| '__/ _ \ \/ / | | |
  | | (_) | | | (_) >  <| |_| |
  |_|\___/|_|  \___/_/\_\\__, |

Tor-based TCP-proxy for linux.
Traffic won`t leave the system without Tor network.

How it works?

Runs as systemd service, watches traffic rules violations and IP cnanges.
Immediatelly notifies via UI if any changes detected.

All TCP traffic redirects to Tor. UDP traffic just blocks.

Ip Changed Rules Violation

UI tested on:

  • Ubuntu 12+
  • Ubuntu Parallels
  • Debian 7+

Installation workflow:

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Run Tor service
  3. Run Toroxy as watcher service which starts on any system boot


  • systemd
  • iptables
  • iptables-persistent
  • python3
  • pip3
  • tor

How to install?

  1. git clone https://github.com/Postuf/Toroxy.git
  2. cd Toroxy
  3. sudo ./install.sh

How to check?

curl ident.me

How to uninstall?

Run sudo ./uninstall.sh in Toroxy root

How to use?

After installation new systemd service toroxy appear in local system.
It will be enabled by default. Here is how to manage it:

  • Stop toroxy (disable proxy): toroxy stop OR service toroxy stop
  • Start toroxy (enable proxy): toroxy start OR service toroxy start
  • Change identity (switch proxy): toroxy switch OR service toroxy reload