Download and update Infrastructure for IOT devices, currenlty the ESP8266. You will need an account at

Wiki pages:


IOTAppStory(char* appName, char* appVersion, char* compDate, char* modeButton)

Tells IAS the name of the application, its version, compilation date and what digital input is the force-update/reset button. Note: the EEPROM size and number of firmware variables are limited to 1024 and 12 respectively. If additional resources are needed beyond these limits EEPROM_SIZE and MAXNUMEXTRAFIELDS can be defined / modified in IOTAppStory.h.

#define APPNAME my_app
#define VERSION V1.0.0
#define COMPDATE __DATE__ __TIME__
#define MODE_BUTTON D3

#include <IOTAppStory.h>

setup () { ... }
loop () { ... }

serialdebug(bool enabled, int speed)

Set if sending debug over serial is enabled and, if so, at what speed to send data.


Sets various options to influence how begin() sets things up. All calls to this function must be done before calling begin().

preSetConfig(bool automaticUpdate)

Setting to true will make the device do an update-check immediately after calling begin().

preSetConfig(string boardName, bool automaticUpdate)

Set the device hostname. This is important as devices by default has APPNAME as hostname (set by the IOTAppStory constructor), which can lead to all sorts of networking issues.

Examples of setting it:

#define APPNAME my_awesome_app
IOTAppStory(APPNAME, ...);

begin () {
    // C++-style appname + mac
    IAS.preSetConfig(APPNAME"_" + WiFi.macAddress());

    // C-style w. sprintf (ex. "ESP_DEF123")
    char hostString[16] = {0};
    sprintf(hostString, "ESP_%06X", ESP.getChipId());
    IAS.preSetConfig(hostString, false);

    // Now start it up

preSetConfig(string ssid, string password, bool automaticUpdate)

Set the WiFi credentials without going through the captive portal.

preSetConfig(string ssid, string password, string boardName, bool automaticUpdate)

As the two above; sets WiFi credentials and boardName.

preSetConfig(string ssid, string password, string boardName, string url1, string url2, bool automaticUpdate)

As above + set urls for contacting Generally not needed.

addField(char* var, string fieldName, string fieldVar, uint maxLen)

These fields are added to the config wifimanager and saved to eeprom. Updated values are returned to the original variable.

char* LEDpin = "D4";

setup () {
    IAS.addField(LEDpin, "ledpin", "ledPin", 2);

loop () {
    // dPinConv() converts pin-name to appropriate number
    pinMode(IAS.dPinConv(LEDpin), OUTPUT);

begin(bool bootstat, bool ea, bool ee)

Set up IAS and start all dependent services.

If bootstat is true, the code will keep track of number of boots and print contents of RTC memory.

If ea is true, the entire EEPROM (including wifi credentials and IAS activation code) will be erased.

If ee is true and ea is false, some of the EEPROM ( excluding wifi credentials and IAS activation code) will be erased.

If ee is flase and ea is false (or excluded), none of the EEPROM (including wifi credentials and IAS activation code) will be erased.


Checks if the button is depressed and what mode to enter when once it is released. Call in loop().

callHome(bool spiffs)

Calls to check for updates. OK to call every ~5 minutes in development, but production setups should call at most every two hours.

If spiffs is true, the call also checks if there is a new filesystem image to download.


See addField()

Contributions and thanks

For Wifi AP management we forked and modified the WifiManager from kentaylor which in its turn was a fork from tzapu

Thanks to msiebuhr for this readme file.

And thankyou to all of you who made a pull request