
Goal or any task tracking application to keep your consistency regularly and track your consistency everyday and represent in a proper pie chart view to visualize more effectively in front of you.

Primary LanguageJava

Tracky : Track your goals

⚙️ Technology Used

Java Android

🤔 Real Life Problem

If you are preparing to achive any goal or target then , one of the importance portion is consistency .
But you real life you can't track or measure the consistency so easily. So , creating an android application which can measure and visulize our consistency as easily and we can track our goals or target.

💡 Features Used

  1. Used Firebase as a Backend
  2. Google Sign In Service used of firebase
  3. Recycler View with Simple and attractive UI Layout
  4. Pie Chart

Fire Base Structure

Project Participated

Project Admin 🤵


Projects Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people : [ No contributors till now ]

How to Contribute

If you think that you can add a new feature or want to fix a bug, we invite you to contribute to FunwithPhysics and make this project better. To start contributing, follow the below instructions:

  1. Create a folder at your desire location (usually at your desktop).

  2. Open Git Bash Here

  3. Create a Git repository.

    Run command git init

  4. Fork this Repo

  5. Clone your forked repository of project.

git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/FunwithScience.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory.
cd FunwithScience
  1. Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Tech-N-Science/FunwithScience.git
  1. Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
  1. Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your main branch to keep it updated as per the main project repository.
git pull upstream main
  1. Create a new branch(prefer a branch name that relates to your assigned issue).
git checkout -b <YOUR_BRANCH_NAME>
  1. Perform your desired changes to the code base.

  2. Check your changes.

git status
git  diff
  1. Stage your changes.
git add . <\files_that_you_made_changes>
  1. Commit your changes.
git commit -m "relavant message"
  1. Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repository.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
  1. To create a pull request, click on compare and pull requests.

  2. Add an appropriate title and description to your PR explaining your changes.

  3. Click on Create pull request.

Congratulations🎉, you have made a PR to the FunwithPhysics. Wait for your submission to be accepted and your PR to be merged by a maintainer.

How to run the webpage on your local system

  1. Go to the funwithpysics directory.
cd funwithpysics
  1. Write the command.
npm install react-scripts --save
  1. Write the command.
yarn start

If you have any doubts, please let us know in the comments.