- 6
cartouche chulak
#143 opened by Kusla1 - 0
Stargate addon help
#150 opened by electikos - 8
how to do like povstalec ?
#139 opened by electikos - 2
[SUGGESTION] Command-based translocation
#146 opened by Noobly-Walker - 2
- 1
[BUG] Cannot control weather on SGJ worlds
#145 opened by Noobly-Walker - 0
Stargate/ Apotheosis/ JEI compat issue?
#149 opened by border999 - 1
- 1
Lantea Star has no texture
#142 opened by Noobly-Walker - 3
Directional interface problem
#136 opened by UltraPuPower - 10
- 4
Iris enhancement
#138 opened by electikos - 6
Custom stargate variant
#135 opened by electikos - 1
[1.20.1 work in ATM9 server] About in ATMmine world open the gate can kill the man in the outside
#140 opened by Nekoresk - 7
Transport Rings
#113 opened by Danielhw999 - 1
- 0
Log spam seems like it's also preventing world creation, uncertain. Please review log.
#132 opened by border999 - 1
Crash on world load
#131 opened by killbot24 - 4
Can you add a Config option that lets you straight up disable the dimensions this mod adds? [1.20.1]
#109 opened by DestinyPlayer - 0
- 2
Checking for PoO not, the Permanent Symbol set
#130 opened by cookta2012 - 2
more of a question
#73 opened by Vadewolf - 14
about the isStargateDialingOut cc method
#90 opened by C4PTRAMPAGE - 1
Redstone activation: HOW?!
#121 opened by Xeonis - 2
One way killin
#123 opened by Xeonis - 1
Passing back in a Gate kills you ?
#126 opened by Ste3py - 4
DHD design improvement ideas
#100 opened by Samrel556 - 11
Server Crash: GoauldTemple
#104 opened by samuli100 - 4
Feature Request: ComputerCraft getSystem()
#106 opened by NovaAstral - 3
Crash that happened with stargate
#110 opened by jxn18ol18 - 1
small bug with call forwarding
#118 opened by C4PTRAMPAGE - 1
CC:Tweaked Stargate interface call "getRotation()" reports incorrect value
#119 opened by Kitsune-Ultima - 1
random Stargate events game idea
#111 opened by darthzapp - 2
Portals to different portal in same dimensio
#114 opened by Sjitzooi - 3
Issue with sawmill
#79 opened by Tomat777 - 14
Server Crashes on World Load
#108 opened by biomasters2 - 13
- 3
[Worker-ResourceReload-10/WARN] [net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery/]
#80 opened by Krimatoria - 3
Stargate with ATM9 (newest version)
#75 opened by Belu97 - 2
Add Armour Tags
#127 opened by TheBedrockMaster - 1
Some strange message at the start of the game
#82 opened by Krimatoria - 1
QOL: Manual Kayboard Input
#122 opened by Xeonis - 1
Question about the ring panel
#124 opened by fartunrus - 1
- 5
Tag `sgjourney:wormhole_ignores` does nothing
#94 opened by Ktlo - 3
Load My Fucking Tags + Stargate Journey 1.19.2
#77 opened by Krimatoria - 3
- 1
DHD's Firing every tick causing lag on servers
#92 opened by Burchard36 - 8
cartouches dont match up anymore
#85 opened by Vadewolf - 3
Sound Log Warn 1.19.2
#81 opened by Krimatoria