
Arduino File Example

kierzenka opened this issue · 1 comments


I am quite new to sending large amounts of data over Serial, but I have found myself in need of doing it for a project. I am using an Ardunio MKR1000 and I am currently trying to get the Loren Ipsum file transfer example working on my computer. There was a small syntax error on line 34 of the rx_file.ino (a missing paren) but otherwise the code is unchanged.
I am wondering how I can actually see that the file is being transferred since the MKR has only one serial (and software serial does not seem to be supported easily). I tried using the [uart_rx_file.ino example] from the "sister" arduino library but I can't see anything printing and really have no clue if it is working at all. Any guidance would be extremely appreciated!

You have at least two options to verify if your file is being transferred correctly:

  1. Save the received file contents to a micro SD card (you will need an SD card adapter to plug into the Arduino)
  2. Use a softwareserial port and a UART to USB converter to print debug statements to your computer

There may be other ways, but these are the two to come to mind