
Specify vpc_id failed when creating RDS instance

AndyHuang1991 opened this issue · 2 comments

Module Version: 0.7.2 (after initial investigate, this issue might also happened in latest version 0.8.10)

Issue: when I providing vpc_id variables (my existing vpc). it will failed when creating RDS instance.

Reason: this module will create rds in default vpc, and with providing VPC id, it will generate and attached providing VPC's secruity group to default VPC which cause failure.

The vpc_security_group_ids in bellowed code (in main.tf)

resource "aws_db_instance" "airflow_database" {
  identifier = "${module.airflow_labels.id}-db"
  allocated_storage = "${var.db_allocated_storage}"
  engine = "postgres"
  engine_version = "11.1"
  instance_class = "${var.db_instance_type}"
  name = "${var.db_dbname}"
  username = "${var.db_username}"
  password = "${var.db_password}"
  storage_type = "gp2"
  backup_retention_period = 14
  multi_az = false
  publicly_accessible = false
  apply_immediately = true
  skip_final_snapshot = true
  vpc_security_group_ids = ["${module.sg_database.this_security_group_id}"]
  port = "5432"

Possible solution: create subnet group with providing vpc and add to aws_db_instance's db_sunet_group argument

hi @AndyHuang1991

I'll look into it!


Issue still persists in version 0.9.1


Error: Error creating DB Instance: InvalidParameterCombination: The DB instance and EC2 security group are in different VPCs. The DB instance is in vpc-XXYY and the EC2 security group is in vpc-ZZWW
        status code: 400, request id: 1420c07e-4a42-41e0-9b88-1a70a9c03b9f

  on .terraform/modules/airflow/PowerDataHub-terraform-aws-airflow-a679957/main.tf line 411, in resource "aws_db_instance" "airflow_database":
 411: resource "aws_db_instance" "airflow_database" {