
This VBA project allows you to quote azure vm prices in excel

Primary LanguageVisual Basic


This VBA project allows you to find the cheapst VM size for a given Core/Ram configuration in a specific datacenter. You can then pull an hour price for the VM.

The solution relies on a custom backend, that pulls data from https://azure.microsoft.com/api/v2/pricing

NEW support for managed disks. See the example.xlsm.



  1. Download the VM_Prices.bas (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KillerFeature/excelAzureVmPricing/master/VM_Prices.bas?raw=true)
  2. Open Excel
  3. Press Alt-F11 to go to Macro Editor
  4. Select "File" -> "Import Module"
  5. Select the VM_Prices.bas file
  6. Select "Tools" -> "References..."
  7. Check "Microsoft XML, v6.0"
  8. Press Alt-F11 to go back to Excel
  9. Enter this in a cell =getVM(1;1;0;"europe-west";"EUR") the resulting VM should be linux-b1s-standard
  10. Move to the next cell and type =getVMPriceHour("linux-b1s-standard";0;"europe-west";"EUR") the result should be something like 0,07929684

Function syntax

=getVM([minimum cores];[minimum ram];[reserved instance years 0 or 1 or 3];[azure-region];[currency];[OPTIONAL exclude strings seperated by ;];[OPTIONAL must include strings seperated by ;])

Optionally you can exclude certain vm's by using semicolon seperated tags

=getVM([minimum cores];[minimum ram];[reserved instance years 0 or 1 or 3];[azure-region];[currency];"-b;-a") This will exclude all burstable VM's, and all A series

=getVM([minimum cores];[minimum ram];[reserved instance years 0 or 1 or 3];[azure-region];[currency];"-b;-a";"windows") This will exclude all burstable VM's, and all A series and select a windows VM.

=getVMPriceHour([VM Name (result from getVM)];[reserved instance];[azure region];[currency])

=getVMData([VM Name];[Region];[Currency];[Parameter you want returned])

Example: =getVMData("linux-b2s-standard";"us-east";"USD";"isVcpu")

Supported parameters : isVCPU cores ram (DO NOT USE getVMData to get prices)

How to calculate monthly fee? =[Hour price]*730

See demovideo here : video

Known issues

I want more that 10 azure regions in one workbook

NO!! ... Well yes now you can get 100 :)


The is not for quotes. Use this tool at your own risk. Prices are cached for 48 hours and might be outdated. This is an expert tool. A fool with a tool is still a fool.