Pinned issues
- 0
- 1
Error when passing in certain object types to Out-ConsoleGridView, but not others
#257 opened by pcgeek86 - 2
- 2
PassThru command doesn't excist
#254 opened by Robby-Swartenbroekx - 0
Remove MAUI reference in readme
#252 opened by ThomasNieto - 0
Port to `Terminal.Gui` V2
#249 opened by tig - 2
Enable GitHub Discussion.
#210 opened by RokeJulianLockhart - 0
Consider adding a console-based, cross-platform implementation of Show-Ast (module ShowPSAst)
#244 opened by mklement0 - 9
- 2
`Show-ObjectTree` does not enumerate object data from PSObject converted from JSON via `ConvertFrom-JSON`.
#242 opened by RokeJulianLockhart - 2
Out-GridView does not work on linux
#156 opened by durdin85 - 4
OCGV ignores type data formatting and formats based off format data
#235 opened by windowswithoutborders - 2
- 0
Add Show-ConsoleCommand
#239 opened by ThomasNieto - 0
Add Get-ConsoleCredential cmdlet
#238 opened by ThomasNieto - 3
- 0
`Show-ObjectTree` is aliased as `sot`, but the canonical alias for "Show" is "sh" (not "s")
#228 opened by RH-TLagrone - 0
Requires `.net 7`; does it really need to?
#226 opened by tig - 5
Show-Object cmdlet
#178 opened by kilasuit - 0
`-Filter` will throw an exception on a malformed regex
#225 opened by tig - 1
- 0
Update readme & demo for `Show-ObjectTree`
#220 opened by tig - 1
Verbose output produces base64 encoded text
#192 opened by mavaddat - 0
OCGV: Add diagnostics (show `Terminal.Gui` lib version and support forcing NetDriver)
#208 opened by tig - 6
- 2
Please add the ability to have "Default" selections when using Multiple OutputMode
#212 opened by lexiismadd - 1
- 4
- 1
OGV throws 'No usable version of libssl was found' on CentOS 9 Stream (RHEL 9)
#191 opened by brolifen - 0
- 4
Column formatting
#194 opened by lexiismadd - 30
- 0
ConsoleGuiTools ships PDB files
#193 opened by ThomasNieto - 20
- 0
OCGV: Docs & strings need updating
#189 opened by tig - 24
- 6
- 0
OCGV: Data does not line up with column headers
#175 opened by ajansveld - 4
- 2
Question: how to check if installed?
#180 opened by dcnieho - 3
- 1
Add HelpMessage for command-line Parameters
#172 opened by tig - 12
Release new GraphicalTools ...
#165 opened by tig - 2
Clean up issues
#169 opened by tig - 0
README is out of date
#171 opened by tig - 3
OCGV: Color changes and terminal becomes unreadable
#150 opened by saldroubi - 3
- 3
- 3
- 1
Import-Module: Alias is not writeable because alias ogv is read-only or constant and cannot be written to.
#155 opened by tolgabalci