No prerequisites are needed
Install-Module InstallLatestModule -Force
- Install-LatestModule : install and update modules to latest version
- Compare-LatestModule : compares all installed modules to latest version
Default location is <tempdir>\Modules_Install-LatestModule_<date>.log
Install-LatestModule -All
#Example will update all modules installed under C:\Program #Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
Install-LatestModule -Name AzureAD
#Example will scan for module AzureAD and check its version. it will update if older than PSGallery's latest version
Install-LatestModule -Name Az.Accounts,Az.Resources,Microsoft.Graph.Intune
#Example will scan for module AzureAD and check its version. it will update if older than PSGallery's latest version
Install-LatestModule -Name AzureAD -Force
#Example will scan for module AzureAD and check its version. If the version is already up-to-date; Force will reinstall it
Get-Module -ListAvailable | Install-LatestModule
#Example will scan for module AzureAD and check its version. If the version is already up-to-date; Force will reinstall it