
Reboot Policy using PowerShell and a modified verison of AppdeployToolkit

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Reboot Policy using PowerShell and a modified verison of AppdeployToolkit





I needed a way I can reboot a system but give the user 3 prompts before doing so at different time intevals. Also to report those responses to management.


PSAppDeployToolkit (https://psappdeploytoolkit.com/) provided a interesting way of presenting a UI to the user when deployed via SCCM. I modified the UI slightly to achieve a look that was like a notification for the user.

Additional switches

Parameters Values Comments
AllowRebootPassThru True/False Allows the 3010 return code (requires restart) to be passed back to the parent process (e.g. SCCM) if detected from an installation. If 3010 is passed back to SCCM, a reboot prompt will be triggered.
EnableScriptTest True/False Speeds up the reboot policy to 2 minute intervals between messages. Default is: $false.
IgnoreRebootCheck True/False Force the system to go through the reboot scenario no matter what. Use in conjunction with EnableScriptTest to allow quicker test of the full check. Default is: $false.
ForcePendingReboot True/False Force the system reboot if a pending reboot is detected on system no matter the day it rebooted in the past. Ignores the RebootIntervalDays check as well. Default is: $false.
ScriptDisabled True/False Disables the script from running. Also can be switched by seeting a registry key in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\RebootPolicy with a key of DisableRebootPolicy of 1. Can be controlled by GPO. Default is: $false.
RebootIntervalDays 1,3,5,7,14 Compares the last reboot date timestamp to number specified; Default is: 7 days
MaxReboots integer Doesn't allow script to reboot the system more than this number; Safety incase system need multple reboots; Default is: 2 times

Main Logging

Script logs entries into the registry under HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\<Company name>\Logging

Entry Values Comments
ScriptVersion Version
ScriptLastRunTime Date
PolicyRunCount Counter Count how many times the script has ran
DisableRebootPolicy 0 or 1 Exit script if set to be disabled and exit with 0
RebootAttemptCounter Counter Check if the reboot counter has hit the max if so kill script
ErrorDisabled 0 or 1 Triggered set if max reboot is reached
RebootCountTotal Counter Record total times script has rebooted system

Run Logging

There is a sub keys to record every instance and acton when ran using julian time format. It is located here: HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\<Company name>\Logging\RunLog-<julianDate>

Entry Values Comments
LastResult Status are: Running,Disabled,ErrorDisabled,ForcedReboot-Prompt,PendingReboot-Prompt,RequiredReboot-Prompt,NoReboot-Needed,Rebooted-NoUser
PendingRebootWhenRan 0 or 1 Logs if Pending Reboot key exists
SleepRandomKey Random 0-300 logs random number for first use, always use this key for this instance (1 to 5 minutes)
LastRebootDate Date Logs last time the system rebooted
PolicyStartTime Date Logs when script started
UserLoggedinWhenRan username Logs if a user is logged in (actively or inactively)
PolicyEndTime Date Logs when script ends
PromptActionResponse1 Hide/Reboot Logs reponse for first prompt
PromptActionResponse2 Hide/Reboot Logs reponse for second prompt

GPO Policy

Script can also be controlled by a GPO policy. Key will be located here: HKLM:SOFTWARE\Policies\RebootPolicy

Entry Values Comments
DisableRebootPolicy 0/1 Disabled the script entirely if set to 1, no matter what runs it


Here are meanings of the status messages

Value Meaning
Running Script is running
Disabled Script is disabled either by GPO or ScriptDisabled parameter
ErrorDisabled Script Errored because it rebooted system mor than MaxReboots
ForcedReboot-Prompt Script parameter $IgnoreRebootCheck is triggered and prompted user
PendingReboot-Prompt Script detected a pending reboot is required and prompted user
RequiredReboot-Prompt Script detected a reboot is required based last reboot is greater than RebootIntervalDays and prompted user
NoReboot-Needed Script detected no reboot required and notified user
Rebooted-NoUser Script detected no user is logged in and it will reboot the system with no prompt