
Another module that writes a log in cmtrace format but with an output

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

YetAnotherCMLogger PowerShell module

Another module that writes a log in cmtrace format but with an output


No prerequisites are need, however having the cmtrace.exe is useful to read log output


  • Get-YaCMLogFileName --> Grabs current log file
  • Set-YaCMLogFileName --> Sets a log file (defaults to name of script calling the cmdlet)
  • Restore-YaCMLogFileName --> restores to original log name and path
  • Write-YaCMLogEntry --> Write a log entry in CMtrace compatible format


Install-Module YetAnotherCMLogger -Force
Import-Module YetAnotherCMLogger


#build global log fullpath
$Global:LogFilePath = "$env:Windir\Logs\Mylogfile_$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd').log"
#or set path by just calling (this will use the name)
Write-YaCMLogEntry -Message 'this is a new message' -Severity 1 -Passthru

Function Test-output{
    ${CmdletName} = $MyInvocation.InvocationName
    Write-YaCMLogEntry -Message ('this is a new message from [{0}]' -f $MyInvocation.InvocationName) -Source ${CmdletName} -Severity 0 -Passthru

#Create entry in log with warning message and output to host in yellow
Write-YaCMLogEntry -Message 'this is a log entry from an warning' -Severity 2 -Passthru

#Create entry in log with error and output to host in red
Write-YaCMLogEntry -Message 'this is a log entry from an error' -Severity 3 -Passthru

#restore path (eg. c:\windows\logs\YetAnotherCMLogger_2022-06-05_T02-01-47-PM.log)
Write-YaCMLogEntry -Message 'this is a log entry from success' -Severity 1  -Passthru

#Set path to c:\ with no appendix to log. (eg. c:\Logs\MyPoshScript.log).
Set-YaCMLogFileName -ParentPath c:\Logs -CallerName 'MyPoshScript' -Appendix ''

#Retrieve current log path