
Streaming camera on Raspberry Pi using HLS, MPEG-DASH, MJPEG (MJPG), and H264

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Streaming camera on Raspberry Pi using HLS, MPEG-DASH, MJPEG (MJPG), and H264


This streaming method can stream H264 video chunks with some advantages from adaptive bitrate but it has delay of more than 3 seconds.

read more at: https://vuquangtrong.github.io/posts/raspberrypi/stream_ffmpeg_hls_dash/


This can archive low-latency streaming for video but it consumes a lot of network bandwidth due to the size of each JPEG frame read more at: https://vuquangtrong.github.io/posts/raspberrypi/stream_picamera_mjpeg/


This method streams H264 NAL units to clients so that it can keep low bandwidth and low latency. read more at: https://vuquangtrong.github.io/posts/raspberrypi/stream_picamera_h264/