
This repo contains all the scripts needed to run a simple mahout model on AWS EMR cluster. This is inspired by the blog post https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/building-a-recommender-with-apache-mahout-on-amazon-elastic-mapreduce-emr/

Primary LanguagePython

Apache Mahout example on AWS EMR cluster

This example was taken from the following AWS guide. This is a movie recommendation application based on the user ratings.

Follow these steps,

  1. Start EMR cluster with hadoop/ mahout. Use the default configurations on AWS EMR which is fine.

  2. Connect to the Master node via a SSH terminal.

  3. Get the movie rating data from following link.

    wget http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip
    unzip ml-1m.zip

  4. Convert ratings.dat to ratings.csv by running following command.

    cat ml-1m/ratings.dat | sed 's/::/,/g' | cut -f1-3 -d, > ratings.csv

  5. Put the data (ratings.csv) into HDFS cluster.

    hadoop fs -put ratings.csv /ratings.csv

  6. Use mahout recommenderitembased with the data on the cluster.

    mahout recommenditembased --input /ratings.csv --output recommendations --numRecommendations 10 --outputPathForSimilarityMatrix similarity-matrix --similarityClassname SIMILARITY_COSINE

  7. Use following commands to see the recommendations generated for each of the user.

    hadoop fs -ls recommendations
    hadoop fs -cat recommendations/part-r-00000 | head

  8. Install python libraries needed to run the web service.

    sudo easy_install twisted
    sudo easy_install klein
    sudo easy_install redis

  9. Install and run redis service on the master node.

    wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-2.8.7.tar.gz
    tar xzf redis-2.8.7.tar.gz
    cd redis-2.8.7
    ./src/redis-server &

  10. Copy the hello.py provided in this repo to this folder.

  11. Start the web service.

    twistd -noy hello.py &

  12. Use following command to request the endpoint.

    curl localhost:8090/37

  13. Make sure to terminate the EMR cluster after everything is done. This will return the recommended movies with their ratings for user id 37