
Storage is a simple light weight utility class for handling all types of browser based storage using a single instance.

  • Cookies
  • Local Storage
  • Session Storage
  • Indexed DB


  • Use single class instance to manage all types of storage in browser
  • Comes with easy and handy methods to manipulate your data in the most effcient way
  • Reduces effort and improves code redablity and development experience

Getting Started

In order to use Storage simply import the Storage class from the package and create a new instance

import Storage from "storage"

new Storage(<storage-type>, <storage-config>);

const cookie = new Storage(Storage.COOKIE);
//local storage
const localStorage = new Storage(Storage.LOCAL_STORAGE)
//session storage
const sessionStorage = new Storage(Storage.SESSION_STORAGE)
//indexed db
const idb = new Storage(Storage.INDEXED_DB, IDB_CONFIG)


Functions Arguments Description
get identifier, options returns found data based on identifier
getAll options returns all the data
add identifier, value, options add data to the chosen storage type
delete identifier, options deletes data based on identifier
deleteAll options deletes all the data for a chosen storage type

Note identifier is required for all types of storage except given that storage type in INDEXED_DB and id is configured in IDB_CONFIG

Static Properties and setters

Properties Description
Storage.COOKIE used to set the storage type to Cookie
Storage.LOCAL_STORAGE used to set the storage type to Local Storage
Storage.SESSION_STORAGE used to set the storage type to Session Storage
Storage.INDEXED_DB used to set the storage type to Indedex Db
Storage.COOKIE_PRIORITY used to set the priority of the cookie. High, Medium, Low
cookieSecured (boolean) used to set the cookies secure propety

Basic Usage


Adding a cookie

const cookie = new Storage(Storage.COOKIE);

//cookieOptions - optional
const cookieOptions = {
  expires: 10, //(in minutes) default - Session
  priority: Storage.COOKIE_PRIORITY.HIGH, // default - Storage.COOKIE_PRIORITY.MEDIUM
  path: "/", // default - "/"
// setting cookies secured
cookie.cookieSecured = true;

cookie.add("cookie_id", "cookie_value", cookieOptions);

Retrieving single cookie

cookie.get("cookie_id"); // => value

Retrieving all cookies

cookie.getAll(); // => Object {id1 : value1, id2 : value2 ...}

Deleting single cookie

const cookieOptions = {
  path: "/path", // default - "/"
  domain: "", //default - undefined
cookie.delete("cookie_id", cookieOptions);

Deleting all cookies

const cookieOptions = {
  path: "/path", // default - "/"
  domain: "", //default - undefined

Local Storage

Adding data

const localStorage = new Storage(Storage.LOCAL_STORAGE);
//storageOptions - optional
const storageOptions = {
  expires: 10, //(in minutes) default - null
localStorage.add("id", data, storageOptions);

Retrieving single data

localStorage.get("id"); // => data

Retrieving all data

localStorage.getAll(); // => Object {id1 : data1, id2 : data2 ...}

Deleting single data


Deleting all data


Session Storage

Adding data

const sessionStorage = new Storage(Storage.SESSION_STORAGE);
sessionStorage.add("id", data);

Retrieving single data

sessionStorage.get("id"); // => data

Retrieving all data

sessionStorage.getAll(); // => Object {id1 : data1, id2 : data2 ...}

Deleting single data


Deleting all data


Indexed DB

Adding data

With identifier set to null as id is configured to autoIncrement in IDB_CONFIG
const  IDB_CONFIG = {
	databaseName:  "ixora-db",
	version:  1,
	stores: [{
		name:  "customers",
		id: { keyPath:  "id", autoIncrement:  true },
		indices: [
			{ name:  "name", keyPath:  "name", options: { unique:  false } },
			{ name:  "email", keyPath:  "email", options: { unique:  true } },
const  idb = new  Storage(Storage.INDEXED_DB,IDB_CONFIG);
idb.add(null, data, {currentStore : "customers"}) => returns JS Promise
With identifier as id is NOT configured in IDB_CONFIG
const  IDB_CONFIG = {
	databaseName:  "ixora-db",
	version:  1,
	stores: [{name:  "customers"}]
const  idb = new  Storage(Storage.INDEXED_DB,IDB_CONFIG);
idb.add(id, data, {currentStore : "customers"}) => returns JS Promise

Retrieving single data

//returns JS Promise
idb.get("id",{currentStore : "customers"}).then(value => ...).catch(err => ...)

Retrieving all data

//returns JS Promise
sessionStorage.getAll({currentStore : "customers"}).then(values => ...).catch(err => ...)

Deleting single data

sessionStorage.delete("id", {currentStore : "customers"}) => returns JS Promise

Deleting all data

sessionStorage.deleteAll({currentStore : "customers"}) => returns JS Promise