simple-dvc-demo-main: simple-dvc-demo-main: Its end to end MLOPS project by krish. It has used Git,DVC, MLOPS and testing via pytest and tox Etc.

It has proper folder structure with dvc config and params to control the project

In Git we have 2 barnch,main and main-mlflow sub branch

all Git,DVC,pytest and tox related stuff in main branch, it does auto deployment in heroku, once we refresh main branch

All Mlflow related stuff in main-mlflow sub branch, it does auto deployment in heroku, once we refresh main-mlflow branch

create env

conda create -n wineq python=3.7 -y

activate env

conda activate wineq

created a req file

install the req

pip install -r requirements.txt

download the data from

git init
dvc init 
dvc add data_given/winequality.csv
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"

oneliner updates for readme

git add . && git commit -m "update"
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push origin main

tox command -


for rebuilding -

tox -r 

pytest command

pytest -v

setup commands -

pip install -e . 

build your own package commands-

python sdist bdist_wheel