@i-am-SnehaChauhan and @Nitya-Pasrija
Please reach out to the maintainers if you get stuck or wish to report someone.
This is a quiz platform
This Application contains the following added features:
- Has a timer for every quiz question.
- Has both light and dark theme options.
- Has different/changed background color.
- Has got a Next button to navigate to the upcoming question.
Contribution period ends: 28 January 2024
Top 3 contributors ❄️
Special prize | Bonanza Swag Kits | Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Certificate of appreciation -
Top 5 female contributors ❄️
Special prize | Special Swag Kits | Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Certificate of appreciation -
Top 10 contributors ❄️
Shoutouts on Social Media handles | Swag kits and lots of exciting goodies | Certificate of appreciation -
Top 25 contributors ❄️
Swag kits and lots of exciting goodies | Certificate of appreciation -
All the contributors will get a certificate of appreciation for their first successful pull request :)
- Mention your pronouns in the profile to be eligible for the women-only prizes.
Join our Discord to stay in touch with project mentors and for any furthur questions.