
  • Thanks for stopping by
  • This project is in progress
  • There'll be less to no activity for a couple of weeks, because it requires depth-first-search to add the new functionality, so I'm focusing on learning that part before I get back to building the mazesolver
  • The objective of this project is to create a maze in a blank canvas and solve it, It uses the tkinter module to import the canvas and widget functionality.
  • You can try running the project in your local system(assuming that it's a Linux system or WSL)
  • fork the project and clone it in your workspace
  • Open your terminal(ctrl + alt + t) and execute
git clone
cd mazesolver_py/mazesolver && python
  • This should be the output
  • If you are on windows, I recommend installing WSL(windows sub-system for linux), you can skip this if you already have git-bash installed.
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