
Bitcoin Basic Course. Learn the very basics about bitcoin or teach your friends with this free course

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Bitcoin Basic Course. Learn the very basics about bitcoin or teach your friends with this free course



  • The inventor
  • The history of Bitcoin
  • 2008 - The Whitepaper
  • 2009 - The Genesis Block
  • 2010 - The Bitcoin Pizza
  • 2014 - ASICs destory Satoshis dream
  • 2017 - The Bitcoin Cash Fork
  • Current media mirror


  • The blockchain
  • What is a blockchain
  • How does it work
  • Mining
  • What is Mining
  • How does it work
  • Drawbacks & Advantages of PoW
  • Safety

Value & Price

  • What is Bitcoin's Price
  • What is Bitcoin's Course
  • What is Bitcoin's Value

Usage & benefits

  • Safe storage
  • Usage & trade
  • Advantages over Banking System
  • Review 2017 - What happened