- 2
Manipulate "args" in before callback
#25 opened by svoop - 6
Action cable def with params
#22 opened by MTEKode - 1
Use regex to match necessary methods
#24 opened by id777 - 2
Doesn't fire callback for overridden methods
#20 opened by oozzal - 0
Is it possible to define it to fire before or after every method in the class?
#21 opened by dmitrypol - 7
Apply after and before using a yml file
#14 opened by rranelli - 1
- 1
Make it work with Modules?
#4 opened by PragTob - 1
Provide rdoc documentation
#2 opened by PragTob - 1
Failing rubinius builds
#11 opened by PragTob - 0
- 1
Allow attaching callbacks to private methods
#9 opened by PragTob - 0
Provide more samples
#1 opened by PragTob - 1
- 0
- 2
- 1
Make it work with inheritance?
#3 opened by PragTob - 1
proper error reporting when class does not have method that an after block should be added to
#6 opened by PragTob