
A directed graph model for conversational user interfaces

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Conversation Kit

License: MIT Maven Central

A directed graph model for conversational UIs 💬

Created as a spare time project by P. Daniel Tyreus - @tyreus

  • Minimal dependencies
  • Well documented
  • Clear, concise API designed to be extended and customized
  • Easy to test


Conversation kit aims to provide a flexible structure for processing conversations between a human user and a chat bots or similar autonomous agent. This project takes the approach of modeling a conversation with a chat bot as a directed graph. The nodes of the graph (or vertices if you prefer) are the conversation snippets spoken by the bot. The edges of the graph represent the flow of the conversation snippets spoken by the bot by connecting one node to another.

Below is an example of a specialized form of a directed graph conversation known as a dialog tree. In this case each node spoken by the bot requires a response from the user. Each edge directs the conversation to the next node based on the response chosen.

Dialog Tree


The artifacts are available on Maven Central


Directed Conversations

Conversation kit takes a more generalized approach to modeling conversations. A DirectedConversationEngine starts with an initial state that specifies a start node. The engine looks at all the outbound edges from the start node and picks the first one that returns true for it's isMatchForState() method. The engine then proceeds to the end node for the matching edge and continues to run until it reaches a node that requires input from the user or with no matching outbound edges.

JsonGraphBuilder<TestCaseUserState> builder = new JsonGraphBuilder();
DirectedConversationEngine<TestCaseUserState> engine = builder.readJsonGraph("/directed_conversation.json");
TestCaseUserState state = new TestCaseUserState();

// run the engine from the starting state to an endpoint
Iterable<IConversationSnippet> snippets = engine.startConversationFromState(state);

You would then send the snippets as messages from the bot using your preferred chat client. Once the user responds to the bot, you would update the state with the response and let the engine run again.

try {
    state = engine.updateStateWithResponse(state, response);
    snippets = engine.startConversationFromState(state);
} catch (UnexpectedResponseException e) {
    // the current node is not a QUESTION
} catch (UnmatchedResponseException e) {
    // no outbound edges matched the response

Conversation State

The conversation state is a data store designed to persist a user's progress through a conversation, help customize the messages sent by the bot to the user, and to save data from user responses during the conversation. In many cases the implementation will be backed by a database or other permanent storage.

Conversation Kit ships with a simple IConversationState implementation backed by a HashMap.


A conversation node is a vertex on the directed conversation graph containing content for the bot to present to the user. Each node has zero or more outbound edges and zero or more inbound edges. The conversation traverses the graph between nodes in by analyzing the state and choosing the first matching edge at each vertex.

Each node contains a conversation snippet represents a small bit of dialog in a conversation. In the case of a chat bot, this might represent a block of text sent as one message. Snippets can be classified as a STATEMENT or QUESTION. Generally, if the snippet is a STATEMENT the conversation will proceed to the next node automatically. If it is a QUESTION, the conversation will stop and wait for a response from the user. However, this depends on the IConversationEngine implementation.

public interface IConversationSnippet<S extends IConversationState> {
    public String renderContent(S state);
    public SnippetType getType();
    public Iterable<String> getSuggestedResponses();

The renderContent method receives the current conversation state so that the displayed message can be modified at runtime. For example, you could use a template engine to swap in the user's name in the messages. See TemplatedDialogTreeNode in the tests as an example.

Nodes can also suggest possible responses. Some chat bot clients like Facebook Messenger support displaying suggested responses in the interface while others like Slack do not.

There are only two IConversationNode implementations currently in the code, but it's easy to create your own by extending the abstract class ConversationNode.


A dialog tree is a type of branching conversation often seen in adventure video games. The user is given a choice of what to say and makes subsequent choices until the conversation ends. The responses to the user are scripted based on the choices made. A Dialog Tree would be a choice to model a conversation when your UI does not allow free-form responses, like a questionnaire.

A DialogTreeNode is a restricted implementation of IConversationNode that holds a text string to represent the displayed conversation snippet and retrieves a list of allowed responses from the outbound edges. There is a working example of how to model, build, and use a Dialog Tree in the test classes.


A ResponseSuggestingNode is a more general implementation of IConversationNode. If the node type is a QUESTION, it can also hold a list of "suggested" responses. Some chat interfaces like Facebook Messenger let you send suggested answers along with a question from the bot.


A conversation edge is a directed connection between two nodes on the conversation graph. Each edge has exactly one start node and one end node, but a node frequently has multiple outbound edges. The conversation implementation will look at each outbound edge from a node to decide which edge to use to continue traversing the conversation graph.

public interface IConversationEdge<S extends IConversationState> {
    public IConversationNode<S> getEndNode();
    public boolean isMatchForState(S state);
    public void onMatch(S state);

A conversation will continue to the end node of a given edge if that edge is the first to return a true value from isMatchForState(). The edge can also choose to modify the state after it matches in onMatch().


A simple IConversationEdge implementation that always returns true from isMatchForState() matches. This implementation would be best used for connecting multiple statement type nodes that should always be spoken by the bot in sequence.


A DialogTreeEdge is an implementation of IConversationEdge that connects one IConversationNode that is a QUESTION to the IConversationNode matching the answer. It is designed to be used with DialogTreeNodes in a dialog tree type conversation.

public boolean isMatchForState(S state) {
    return answer.equals(state.getMostRecentResponse());


An edge type that matches responses based on a regular expression pattern. If a stateKey is provided, the onMatch() method sets the value of this key in the conversation state equal to the first group found in the match.

public boolean isMatchForState(S state) {
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(state.getMostRecentResponse());
    return matcher.find();

public void onMatch(S state) {
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(state.getMostRecentResponse());
    if ((stateKey != null) && matcher.find()) {
        state.set(stateKey, matcher.group());


An IConversationEdge implementation that delegates matching logic to external JavaScript code. Similar to a RegexEdge, this type of edge allows users to store the logic for determining if an edge matches in a location outside the source code. For instance, the string representation of the JavaScript logic could be stored in a database or file representation of the conversation graph.

The supplied JavaScript code modifies the behavior of the isMatchForState() and onMatch() methods. The string representation of the JavaScript code is wrapped as follows:

function isMatchForState(state) {

function onMatch(state) {

So, for example, if

isMatchForState = "return (state.mostRecentResponse === 'graph');"

then the IConversation implementation would evaluate the result of

function isMatchForState(state) {
  return (state.mostRecentResponse === 'graph');

to determine if the edge matches the current state.

Putting It All Together

For an example of a reasonably complex conversation graph with multiple node types and edges all loaded from a JSON file, see ConversationGraphTest.

I also have a gist that runs a ultra-simple chat on the console, but can be extended into a nice testbed.

If you have questions or suggestions, you can contact me on Twitter.