
:speech_balloon: /so.nus/ STT (speech to text) for Node with offline hotword detection

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Dependency Status

This project is in active development and is rapidly evolving. As of v0.1.0 it uses semantic versioning.

Sonus is a speech to text library you can use to quickly and easally add a VUI (Voice User Interface) to any hardware or software project. Just like Alexa, Google Now, and Siri, Sonus is always listening offline for a customizable hotword. Once that hotword is detected your speech is streamed to the cloud recognition service of your choice - then you get the results.

Platform Support

  • Linux - most major distros (Including Raspbian)
  • macOS
  • Windows

Streaming Recognition Services

  • Google Cloud Speech
  • Alexa Voice Services
  • Wit.ai
  • Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • Houndify


npm install --save sonus


Generally, running npm install should suffice. This module however, requires you to install SoX.

For most linux disto's

Recommended: use arecord, which comes with most linux distros. Alternatively:

sudo apt-get install sox libsox-fmt-all

For macOS

brew install sox


Configure out cloud speech recognition system of choice, like Google Cloud Speech API.

Add sonus and said recognizer:

const Sonus = require('sonus')
const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech')({
  projectId: 'streaming-speech-sample',
  keyFilename: './keyfile.json'

Add your keyword and initialize Sonus with a Snowboy hotword:

const hotwords = [{ file: 'resources/snowboy.umdl', hotword: 'snowboy' }]
const sonus = Sonus.init({ hotwords }, speech)

Create your own Alexa in less than a tweet:

sonus.on('hotword', (index, keyword) => console.log("!"))
sonus.on('final-result', console.log)

How do I set up Google Cloud Speech API?

Follow these instructions.

How do I make my own hotword?

Sonus uses Snowboy for offline hotword recognition. You can use their website or API to train a model for a new hotword. Hotword training must occur online through their web service.

Built #withsonus

If you build a project with Sonus send a PR and include it here!


Evan Cohen: @_evnc Ashish Chandwani: @ashishschandwa1


Licensed under MIT.