
This is a very simple and easy to use URL Shortner written in PHP, HTML & Javascript. It uses jQuery for displaying messages & GET operations. Also uses mod_rewrite for tags.

Primary LanguagePHP



Works only on Chrome as of now




This is a very simple and easy to use URL Shortener written in PHP, HTML & Javascript. It uses jQuery for displaying messages & GET operations. Also uses mod_rewrite for tags.

Make sure mod_rewrite is turned ON in your Apache server


  1. Edit config.php located in "_" directory
  2. Go to /install.php

Upcoming changes

-Reduce length of automatically generated tags -Styling (if you fork and do it, I'll kiss you!) -Informative messages to the user in install.php (feeling sleepy to do it now)

Author: Pragith Website: http://pragith.net Contact: @PragithP , pragith@pragith.net