
First event Bitcoin Only in Jericoacoara

About Carnaval Bitcoin

The Bitcoin Law leveled the playing field between Bitcoin and the Dollar in El Salvador, Salvadorans went from 70% unbanked to having the option of using Bitcoin as money and inspired Praia Bitcoin, to replicate the El Zonte's original Bitcoin Beach experiment in Jericoacoara, northest of Brazil.

This novel situation comes with both, the challenge to onboard users, and the opportunity to learn from them for the benefit of the entire ecosystem - from protocol and application devs to entrepreneurs and investors. A successful adoption of Bitcoin at this scale will be a historic milestone that could benefit Bitcoin ecosystem for years to come, and serve as a blueprint for peoples that want to follow the footprint of the Brazilian initiative.

The event aims to connect Bitcoin and Lightning businesses, developers, and the local community. We will create a space for hands-on collaboration through workshops and hackerspaces that will explore:

  • The challenges faced to onboard users.
  • The opportunity to learn from the Jericoacoara experience for the benefit of the entire ecosystem
  • The blueprint to ensure the successful adoption of Bitcoin at a nation scale

Futhermore, Bitcoiners will be able to make Bitcoin contactless payments in 21 merchants, using NFC Cards or bracelets provided by the event organization with a "Abadá", a traditional Carnaval uniform, for people to socialize and walk together bringing the orange wave to local stores.


We believe Bitcoin is the best medium of exchange and that its adoption is a net benefit to the world.


We engineer serendipity by bringing together developers, business owners, users and early adopters to share their experiences and learning.


An annual non-profit1 event focused on Lightning development, and Bitcoin adoption in countries that need it the most.


Be the driver of conversations, education, and research.


  1. The event is nonprofit, and all the proceeds will be donated to a local initiative aiming to increase the understanding of Bitcoin and lightning amongst Brazilians.