import { FileBuilder } from 'excel-build';
const excelFile = new FileBuilder('FILE_NAME');
Method |
Description |
Type |
Parameter |
Returns |
addSheet |
Add a sheet to the Excel file. |
function |
SheetBuilder |
FileBuilder |
download |
Download the Excel file you created. |
function |
- |
void |
import { SheetBuilder } from 'excel-build';
const data = [
['1', 'soohyun', '', '01012345678', 'FE'],
['2', 'sasha', '', '01087654321', 'BE'],
const sheet1 = new SheetBuilder('sheet_1');
const sheet2 = new SheetBuilder('sheet_2')
.appendThead(['id', 'name', 'email', 'phone', 'department'])
.mergeCell([0, 3], [4, 3]);
Method |
Description |
Type |
Parameter |
Returns |
appendThead |
Adds a header row to the table. |
function |
(theadArr: string[], option: any) |
SheetBuilder |
appendRow |
Adds a row to the table. |
function |
(tRowArr: string|number|boolean|Date[], option: any) |
SheetBuilder |
appendTbody |
Adds a row in array to the table. |
function |
(tbodyArr: string|number|boolean|Date[][], option: any) |
SheetBuilder |
appendCustomRow |
Add custom style rows to the table. |
function |
(row: string|number|boolean|Date[], option: any) |
SheetBuilder |
mergeCell |
Merge the cells with the starting cell [x0, y0] and the ending cell [x1, y1] as factors. |
function |
(start: [number, number], end: [number, number]) |
SheetBuilder |
getWorkSheet |
Returns the sheet you created. |
function |
- |
SheetBuilder |
getSheetName |
Returns the name of the sheet you created. |
function |
- |
string |
const data = ['1', 'soohyun', '', '01012345678', 'FE'];
sheet1.appendCustomRow( =>
new CellBuilder(item)
Method |
Description |
Type |
Parameter |
Returns |
setAlignMentVertical |
Sets the vertical alignment of cells. |
function |
center | top | bottom |
CellBuilder |
setAlignMentHorizontal |
Sets the horizontal alignment of cells. |
function |
center | left | right |
CellBuilder |
setAlignMentWrapText |
Allow text wrapping. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
setAlignMentTextRotation |
180 is rotated down 180 degrees, 255 is special, aligned vertically |
function |
0 to 180, or 255 |
CellBuilder |
setBorder |
Sets the border style for cells. |
function |
null | BorderStyleType |
CellBuilder |
setBackgroundColor |
Sets the background color of the cell. |
function |
string(HEX) |
CellBuilder |
setFontColor |
Set the color of the font. |
function |
string(HEX) |
CellBuilder |
setFontSize |
Set the font size. |
function |
number |
CellBuilder |
setFontBold |
Set the font in bold. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
setFontItalic |
Set the font to italic. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
setFontStrike |
Set strikethrough in the font. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
setFontUnderline |
Underline the font. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
build |
Build a cell. |
function |
- |
CellBuilder |
type BorderType =
| 'dashDotDot'
| 'dashDot'
| 'dashed'
| 'dotted'
| 'hair'
| 'mediumDashDotDot'
| 'mediumDashDot'
| 'mediumDashed'
| 'medium'
| 'slantDashDot'
| 'thick'
| 'thin';
type BorderStyleType = {
top?: { style: BorderType; color: ColorType };
bottom?: { style: BorderType; color: ColorType };
left?: { style: BorderType; color: ColorType };
right?: { style: BorderType; color: ColorType };
diagonal?: {
style: BorderType;
color: ColorType;
diagonalUp: boolean;
diagonalDown: boolean;
type ColorType = {
rgb?: string;
theme?: number;
tint?: number;
This project is a fork of SheetJS/sheetjs combined with code from
sheetjs-style (by ShanaMaid)
and sheetjs-style-v2 (by Raul Gonzalez) and xlsx-js-style (by gitbrent).
All projects are under the Apache 2.0 License