
[Chat Application] Chat application with GUI and multiple message sending feature.

Primary LanguagePython


[Chat Application] Chat application with GUI and multiple message sending feature using Python.

Important Notes: 1> Its with GUI , thats the good thing and "Its is with multile message feature, where back to message can be send from the same user" 2> In the GUI , messages will get scrolled up automaically,hence size of chat box will remain same how many msg you will type. Only last 8 msg will be shown in the chat box. 3> Message writing box will get automatically clear as soon as Send button[>>>] will get hit. 4> Backup of all the messages will be taken automatically. Find respective file starting with name "Chat"

Requirements: 1> Python has to be there[2] If you having python 3 , no problem just change tkinter to Tkinter in the scipts. 2> If you are testing it in two differnt machines, just put the ip of machine in script ChatUser2.py where ChatUser1 is running. If you want to test in same machine no changes are needed. 3> Both the machines has to be in network.

Usage Instructions: 1> Start ChatUser1.py script in one machine 2> Start ChatUser2.py script in other machine. 3> You will get the chat box in both the machine, Start sending unlimited messages:).

Notes If any problem you are facing , just put the snap of code in the comment. I will update like that. Its very easy to use and faster too. In upcoming days I will upload the video of usage too:)