
[WebPage Creator] This code will create the basic HTML page with the help of jinja2 module in python.

Primary LanguageHTML


[WebPage Creator] This code will create the basic HTML page with the help of jinja2 module in python.

It will take the reference of the Reportmodule.html file and will create a HTML file which will display dynamic data provided by running WebPageCreator.py file. Data in the HTML page can be modified by passing different kind of data inside python file.

It is very minimal example of jinja2 module usage , refer it for basic learning. Most of basic functionalty has been taken care in this example. Importance Of Files:

ModuleInstaller.bat >> It will check python is present or not and it will install jinja2 module. WepPage.html >> It is the created dynamic HTML page WebPage.png >> Basic example of dynamic page WebPageCreator.py >> Main Python code ReportModule.html it is the reference/input for Python file.

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