VDP Solution project done during the internship at IC Solution in associate with Take it easy engineering.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


VDP Solution project done during the internship at IC Solution in associate with Take it easy engineering.

Project Requirement: =>Structure of the Site as Described by VDP Solutions Pvt Ltd: 1)page1/Landing Page: Description- Logo(l)-Company name-About the company Featured Designs/Projects: vinith Projects and designs Services we provide:Listed above Contact us: Need help? Contact us(tab) Optional(footer): logo, Contact information,Social Media links 2)Quick menus/tabs: Home- Link home page/landing page- check above Services- pg2- About the services that we provide List individual services as a div-Provide Description-and Set a quotation tab(hyperlink this) to Contact us page 3)Contact us-pg3- desc on contact us-ex: we would love to hear it from you on your query and Contact form-Fields-Name, phone number,email,write your message here�Submit button(onclick: Thank you for contacting us page- quick links to our work page) 4)Work-pg-4: Showcase our work here- a zip file will be sent regarding this- provide a tab to review work Throughout the website: whatsapp logo with a fake number(desc: Chat with us,and get a quotation as soon as possible)

=>Backend and Hosting: 1)Save all the contact us inputs on the database, and create a view to handle all the records. Tasks include Search and sort: based on the user entries like the services, or the email, phone number, names etc. Delete: records with irrelevant information to be removed/fake/false records to be removed Insert:: new records to be inserted when a new entry is submitted 2)Hosting: Host the your static pages on GitHub,

  • Create a repository
  • Push all the files on to the repository
  • Commit the changes
  • Upload the repo on to you github account
  • Publish the repository by finding the Publish repository button in the setting page of your repo.

=>Output: Screenshot (647) Screenshot (637) Screenshot (638) Screenshot (639) Screenshot (640) Screenshot (641) Screenshot (642) Screenshot (643) Screenshot (644) Screenshot (645) Screenshot (646) Screenshot_20210709-184439 Screenshot_20210709-184447 Screenshot_20210709-184552 Screenshot_20210709-184831