
Java projects done during the internship at IC Solution in associated with Take it engineering during April-May 2021

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Java projects done during the internship at IC Solution in associated with Take it engineering during May-june 2021

During this internship i have done two project on Arithematic Formatter using Java and File Conversion using Java. 1.Arithematic Formatter involves Create a function arithmeticArranger() that receives a list of strings that are arithmetic problems and returns the problems arranged vertically and side-by-side. The function should optionally take a second argument. When the second argument is set to True, the answers should be displayed.

For example Function Call: arithmeticArranger({"32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"}) Output: 32 3801 45 123

  • 698 - 2 +43 +49

Here i used different approach to slove the problem, but initially i didn't get the output. Finally after refereing few material i got the output.

2.Create a menu-based file conversion program that takes either a .json file or a .csv file and converts it to .csv file and .json file respectively. The program should have a title at the top, and then ask which file conversion they prefer, .csv to .json or .json to .csv, which is followed by entering the path of the file to be converted and the path of the file to be saved. At last, the program should end with the message saying if the conversion was successful or a failure. .json: json stands for Java Script Object Notation and is used in storing and transferring the data from a server to the webpage. .csv: csv stands for Comma Separated Values which are used to store data. Each line in the file is a data record and ever record contains one or multiple attributes separated by commas.

Here i got partial output, failed to get the exact output. But i got to know how to read a Json file / Csv file and covert it to Csv file / Json file.