Fitness Logger

Installing pre-requisites

Install tesseract using

sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
sudo apt install libtesseract-dev

Install gosseract using

go get

Install ftp using

go get

Pre-requisites for application to run

Create a file called `ftp_config.json Create the JSON structure as seen below

    "ftp_ip": IP_ADDR,
    "ftp_port": PORT,
    "username": FTP_USERNAME,
    "password": FTP_PASSWORD,
    "screenshot_path": PATH_TO_SCREENSHOT_ON_PHONE,
    "photos_path": PATH_TO_DCMI_PHOTOS_ON_PHONE,
    "csv_path": PATH_TO_CSV_FILE

Create a CSV file with the following as the first line

<new line>

Running the application for testing purposes

go run main.go

Creating a binary for execution

go build -o fitness_tracker