
A simple bot which echoes back the message typed in your Facebook page.

Tools used :

Django, Ngrok, Facebook Graph API

Ngrok sets up secure tunnels to our localhost i.e. Ngrok gives web accessible URLs and tunnels all traffic from that URL to our localhost. Webhooks, a feature provided by the Facebook Graph API, is used to send a HTTP POST request to the callback url of the app (provided by Ngrok), which will later be handled by the bot.

Installing Ngrok

Go to Ngrok's download page, download the zip file, unzip.

Setting up Ngrok:

./ngrok http 8000

For information about how to get the page access token and subscription for your Facebook page refer link

Quick start

Run the following commands. You need to setup Python 3:

git clone https://github.com/PrajwalaTM/Facebook-Messenger-Bot.git
virtualenv fb-bot
source fb-bot/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver

Edit the VERIFY_TOKEN variable in https://github.com/PrajwalaTM/Facebook-Messenger-Bot/blob/master/mybot/views.py to include the Verify token. It is currently set to bot_token. This can be any token as long as it matches the one entered while setting up webhooks.

Once you have your webhook setup, get your Page Access Token. Then set the PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN variable in the file https://github.com/PrajwalaTM/Facebook-Messenger-Bot/blob/master/mybot/views.py to your page access token.