
Pair Pro is a web app service that allows you to find people to pair program with people around the world

Primary LanguageTypeScript


PairPro is a web application service designed to facilitate pair programming sessions with individuals from around the world.


PairPro allows users to find partners for pair programming sessions, leveraging a range of technologies to create a seamless experience.


  • Authentication: Utilizes Clerk Auth for secure user authentication, with user data synchronized with the database.
  • Room Visibility: Implements room visibility functionality to control who can join programming sessions.
  • Search Functionality: Enables users to search for rooms by name, tags enhancing discoverability.
  • Video Calling: Incorporates video calling functionality powered by getstream.io for real-time communication during programming sessions.

Tech Stack

  • Next.js: Powers both the frontend and backend of the application.
  • Shadcn: Utilizes Shadcn-ui for building UI components.
  • PostgreSQL: Stores application data, managed by Drizzle ORM for seamless database interactions.
  • Drizzle: ORM tool.
  • Neon Tech: Utilizes a cloud database powered by Serverless PostgreSQL for scalability and reliability.
  • getstream.io: Provides video calling functionality for real-time communication.
  • Clerk Auth: Handles user authentication securely.
  • Vercel: Hosts the application for easy deployment and management.


I created this project because of following reasons:

  1. Utilizing Video Calling: To leverage the powerful video calling functionality provided by getstream.io.
  2. Learning Drizzle ORM: To gain experience with Drizzle ORM for efficient database management.
  3. Setting up PostgreSQL: To understand the process of setting up a PostgreSQL database using Docker containers locally.


I was inspired by a youtuber to create this project and learned a lot. You can check out his video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpyiSEO7a_Y