This is my first android app for AndroidMonk Hackathon and we won that hackathon.
Ultimate tic-tac-toe also known as super tic-tac-toe is a board game composed of nine tic-tac-toe boards arranged in a 3-by-3 grid. Players take turns playing in the smaller tic-tac-toe boards until one of them wins in the larger tic-tac-toe board.
- First player plays with Red Cross(X). Second player plays with green naughts(O).
- First player can make his first move anywhere on the board.
- First move of player 2 is influenced by move of Player 1. Player 1 move 'sends' his opponent to its relative location on global block.
- Suppose, first player has made his move on third row first column of first block. Then, player 2 has to move somewhere in block located at third row, first column of global block.
- From now onwards, move of opponent will send the opponent to it's relative location on global block.
- Legal blocks are blocks where result hasn't been decided.
- If a player sends opponents on a block where result has been decided(won/loss/draw), opponent can move anywhere on global board (the next block must be legal, Obviously).
- To help user in making moves, next active block will be colored. If no block is colored, opponent can make it's move anywhere.
On global board, 9 3*3 blocks are present. Assume that they are numbered through 1 to 9 and each block contains three rows and three column. Now, suppose that Player 1 had made it's first move on 2nd block, 3rd row, 2nd column. Then, next move of player 2 must be on block located at 3rd row, 2nd column of global block (i.e. 8th block). Now, player 2 is free to move anywhere on 8th block. Suppose that he makes his move on 2nd row, 5th column of 8th block. Then Player 1 has to make his move on the block located at 2nd row, 5th column(fifth block) of global block. Next move of player 2 will be determined by move made by first player in fifth block and game continues like this.
- Piyush Sikarwal.
- Neelansh Sahai.
- Harshit Jain.
- Prakash Rai.